The ACT Ethics Advisory Board exists to provide independent and informed advice to the leadership of Advanced Cell Technology on matters of ethical importance raised by company activities and research programs. Members of the board are independent scholars or professionals with no financial ties to ACT. As a matter of EAB policy, members receive only a modest fee (set at the equivalent to the National Institutes of Health per diem for grant reviewers) for attendance at each of the Board’s quarterly meetings. The EAB serves ACT in an advisory function. As individuals and as a body, EAB members have “the power of the pen” permitting them to openly dissent from ACT response to or implementation of EAB recommendations.
Board Members
For a review of some of the ethical considerations in ACT’s therapeutic cloning research see The Ethical Considerations sidebar in the following Scientific American article: The First Human Cloned Embryo,.
Testimony of Ronald M. Green, of Dartmouth College, before the Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies of the Senate Committee on Appropriations, December 4, 2001.